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Visions Beyond the Veil
by H.A. Baker

This book is about an awesome group of Chinese young people having
experienced heaven in many different manners; some with vivid open
visions while on earth, some being translated to heaven then brought
back to earth, some with vivid dreams, and other deep spiritual
experiences of heaven and the kingdom of God.

Some people would hesitate to believe a young peoples experience. But
when you read of what they had experienced and see how it affected
their lives; you will come to appreciate these young people and in
part participate with what they are trying to communicate.

So many times young people have an openness to spiritual things that
is harder for older people to receive; you will be blessed to read
the openness of these children. This book will bring you closer to
the knowing about heaven while at the same time bringing you to a new
love for young people who give their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ
and reading about their transformed lives. You will not be
disappointed with their stories.

To order please click the image of the book below:


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